was on 23 December 537a.d.So the church of Agia Sophia celebrated on
Costantinos the Great had put the foundations in Istanbul for sacred temple Dedicated to Agia Sophia This church which was built by his son Kostantios based the Agia Sophia in Instablu was destroyet by a fire 532a.d.Then Justinian gave order to rebuilt the temple.The project ended under the supervision of the empror Justinian in just five years and the in auguration 23 February.The church is 75 meters loug and 70 meters wide.The dome is total 32 meters high and its iluminated by 40 windows.The highest dome hasa total of 75 meters.A hunderd marble columns support the arches and Vaults Agia Sophia does not look exactly towards the east but deviates a little to the
south.Finally Agia Sophia has 80 elders,150 deacons,25 chanters and 75
. porters.Agia Sophia is the largest older church is Thessaloniky.